Greg & I have been working on his new album titled “The Spectrum Of Love” for the past few months and we put the finishing touches on it this week. Greg decided to record this album differently than he did in the past with his others. He has a very nice rich sounding Yamaha CS 8’2″ sitting in his living room that he has always composed on but always chose to go to a studio setting to record. This time around he wanted to be able to record at his own pace and do it when the inspiration hit. So this lead us to testing different microphone combinations and recording techniques to experiment with on his piano until we found the right sound Greg was looking for.
We started mixing most of the songs last month but Greg felt he had more to write and add to the album so we held off on finishing it until he wrote & recorded new songs to finish the collection.
“The Spectrum Of Love” has 15 great songs on it that capture Greg’s writing & playing at it’s truest & most comfortable form. Not to mention you will find a few happy accidents when mother nature decided to be a part of Greg’s music because of being set in a beautiful country valley. Which in my opinion added even more honestly and character into the music.