Almost exactly 2 months to the day of hitting record on the first drum smack, I am proud to say I am burning the final master disc of “Along The Way”. Corianne Silvers first full length album.
I’m always excited when an album comes together after all the hard work, demos, arranging, pre pro, note taking, recording, mixing, tweaking and mastering. It’s time for this one to leave the nest and go into the world.
Everyone involved put a piece of their heart and soul into this. Thank you….Ron Simasek, Ronnie Rhoads, Chris Novak, Caleb Joyce, Dubby of Team Loko, Lauren Silvers, Warren Silvers. and to Corianne Silvers, thank you for bringing me amazing songs to work on and to work with you on your music.
You can find Corianne Silvers’ album “Along The Way” on itunes.