All this week, I have the pleasure of working with Kyleen Downes on her first solo EP. She first heard about me and the studio from a long time friend & artist Nathan Veshecco, who lives in the same town as her in Ohio. After hearing some of the newer things Nathan and I have been working on, she thought Full Tilt would be a good fit for her music and what her vision for the album was.

I was very honored to hear this, and for her to make the trip into PA for a week to have this be the spot where her project would come to life.

I’ve been excited about venturing into this project with her from the first time I heard the demos. So far, the first 2 days have been drums, percussion, guitars and other foundation things. Next we will be jumping into the vocals, bass and starting to add the extra ear candy fun.

Studio Googly Eye Statue

Kyleen & Spencer taking over the command post